"Creating a Deep Connection in Communication"

October 23, noonChappelear Head Shot

Presenter and author John Chappelear hosts a session based on his "Changing the Focus" program to help communicators develop tools needed in the profession.

Chappelear, author of "The Daily Six" and recipient of a Presidential Letter of Commendation, will spend the hour covering key communications imperatives:

  • Setting clear intentions and determining audience takeaways
  • Speaking from the heart
  • Simple trust-building skills
  • Power of stories to build a connection

Chappelear has published more than 100 articles and is a monthly contributor to American Cities Business Journals' 23 national publications that reach 2.6 million readers.

The cost of the session is $10 for IABC members and $20 for non-members

Register today!

Past Events

"Unleashing the Power of Generative AI"Y4hZon R 400x400

Transforming Your Communications Workflows

August 26, noon

IABC Fellow Shel Holtz discussed how to incorporate generative artificial intelligence (AI) into your communications workflows to be more effective and stay ahead of the curve.

Holtz, a top presenter at IABC's recent world conference in Chicago, helped illustrate the power of generative AI by using a virtual assistant to help him conduct his presentation for the nearly 30 attendees.

Through other examples, those at the session saw Holtz use applications to assist in creating text and art  Holtz explained these new software products help untap the potential of synthetic media. Attendees learned ways to harness its power to create compelling text and visual content, streamline processes, and capture audiences.


"A Few Words About Words:

A common-sense look at writing and grammar"

April 30, noon

It was a session about writing and grammar, led by a guy who admits he's bad at grammar.JoeDiorio Amazon book headshot

Joe Diorio has been a writer all his life. As a high school student, he was a stringer for a local weekly newspaper. Later, he worked as a newspaper reporter, freelance writer, corporate speechwriter, and as a public relations professional for agencies and colleges.

Joe's likeable presentation covered everything from whether "irregardless" is a word to the best ways to break writers' block. (Hint: START WRITING!). 

He left attendees with the confidence that (1) writing is not natural, but (2) it isn’t impossible to do it well.

See for yourself by downloading a recording of the session or watching it online.



"How PR and Comms Pros are Using AI - and You Can, Too!"

March 7, noon - 1p.m.

We were thrilled top PR pro Jason Mudd, CEO of Axia Public Relations, hosted a session for IABC FloMudd Jason Color hi res forward crop resizedrida members and guests to discuss how PR and communications professionals are using artificial intelligence (AI)' in their jobs.

Mudd, whom the World Communications Forum named North America's top PR leader in 2023, talked about how communications professionals are using today's AI tools - and how you can, too!

This virtual session covered:

  1. How to start using AI
  2. AI ethics
  3. Setting, communicating and enforcing AI policies
  4. AI tools, opportunities and challenges, and
  5. Recommended AI resources.

See video recap.


"New Year - New Ideas!"

Janunary 30Mahlia Aqeel

The event featured IABC workdwide leaders asking for your feedback on building a better organization while showcasing the existing benefits of being an IABC member.

Among the presenters: IABC Global Board Chair Maliha Aqeel, who heard your thoughts and shared IABC's valuable offerings, such as its accreditation program, online resources, and World Conference in Chicago in June.

You also heard from IABC Southern Region Chair Linda Wesley and board members of IABC Florida, which recently completed a consolidation of state chapters into a single, more robust, and active entity.


IABC Florida Virtual Happy Hour!

November 15, 2023 images

As we headed into the holiday season, IABC Florida colleagues met for for a Virtual Happy Hour!

We introduced our IABC board members, mixed and mingled a little, and wished each other a happy holiday season.



Darcy Eikenberg,

"Drop Some Balls: How to Do Less and Get More Done,"DarcyEikenberg resized

September 21, 2023

The very first IABC Florida Program, “Drop Some Balls: How to Do Less and Get More Done,” was hosted by IABC Florida’s own Darcy Eikenberg, a leadership coach and longtime IABC member. Darcy led an interactive and high-energy session

IABC Florida
Serving Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa and all of Florida

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